Thursday, September 13, 2007

Can I Cut In Line?

Donna gave me a wonderful 4-CD boxed Led Zep retrospective for Christmas, and it's quite wonderful stuff...great for driving, great for workouts, just generally great.

Then I heard yesterday that Led Zeppelin is going to reform for one show in London in November, with John Bonham's son playing drums. I'd love to see that show! But then again, so would about 20 million other folks. Problem is...their venue can only seat 20,000.

The BBC reports, though, something that intrigues me...the ability to buy a ticket will be decided by public ballot, and if anyone is caught trying to resell their ticket on internet auction sites, the ticket will be canceled.

What an outstanding idea! I'm still pissed about not being able to purchase nice seats for Steely Dan or Van Morrison, only to find plenty of front row seats on auction sites for heartbreakingly staggering amounts of money.

Anyway, I best go...i hear that 80,000 fans a minute are trying to register for the chance to buy a ticket. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Monday, September 10, 2007

What The Hell?

My Twin Lakes High School class of 1977 celebrated a 30th year reunion this August. I wasn't able to go. I just checked in on their website to find they'd posted some pictures, and this is the group shot.

Holy hell...what happened to everyone? Who are these people?