Monday, April 30, 2007


Riverbend, the young blogger from the heart of Iraq, is leaving her home. She and her family are trying to decide whether to go to Syria or Jordan (no passport needed).

So we've been busy. Busy trying to decide what part of our lives to leave behind. Which memories are dispensable? We, like many Iraqis, are not the classic refugees- the ones with only the clothes on their backs and no choice. We are choosing to leave because the other option is simply a continuation of what has been one long nightmare- stay and wait and try to survive.

She's long been blogging about the decline of her country, and if you've been following her posts you've probably shared a bit of the pain and frustration. I'm a bit amazed it took her family this long to decide to leave...most of the moderates left long ago I'd think.

1 comment:

Doctor Wu said...

Syria and Jordan both have been asking the UN for help and relief for the Iraqi refugees that have poured into both their countries. I've forgot the numbers of refugees, but its high for both countries.
I'm surprised that anyone is staying in Iraq. What a freakin' mess we made this time.