Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Time for a Dead President

part of his HBO special...R rated for language so the audio is NSFW


Chris said...

I dont usually watch Lewis Black because the screaming kind of grates my nerves but he seems more serious and toned down here and I can really relate. I watched this peice several times. A dead President might be an improvement at this point.

Since I learned from a medical perspective just exactly what partial birth abortion is I get upset every time it comes up in the news or anywhere for that matter. I started a post months ago about Partial Birth Abortion, more info than rant, but didnt have the guts to post it. Subject matter (and grey matter) is kind of gory but think I'll blow the dust off and post it anyway. The closure would do me good. I kind of like his idea for those who want to keep arguing about it though.

Disclosure Statement: I am in no way advocating the literal assassination of the President of the United States. - JCe

Doctor Wu said...

No, we don't need a dead Bush, we need to dig up Reagan and prop him up and put him back in office. By God, Reagan alive scared the world, think how terrifying he would be dead!

Unknown said...
