Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Illegal Immigrants' Petition

"International human rights law requires the United States to apply its workplace protections equally and without discrimination based on immigration status," said Chandra Bhatnagar, an ACLU Human Rights Program staff attorney.

The Yahoo news summary linked above notes that a "petition" has been filed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on behalf of 12 million illegal immigrant workers. This petition seeks better U.S. Government protections for illegal-immigrant workers who are vulnerable to exploitation.

One illegal worker injured his spine in a fall while at work, and the employer's insurance won't pay his compensatory time off while he recuperates (they paid his medical bills). One illegal worker filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against her employer, and settled for less than she expected because they discovered she's an illegal immigrant.

WTF? This is just plain wrong-headed. Or have I turned into a conservative all of a sudden? Let's see...they're illegally in our country. Illegally. Hmm, that word "illegal" just doesn't seem to mean anything anymore.

The ACLU website says this:
It is true that the Constitution does not give foreigners the right to enter the U.S. But once here, it protects them from discrimination based on race and national origin and from arbitrary treatment by the government. Immigrants work and pay taxes; legal immigrants are subject to the military draft. Many immigrants have lived in this country for decades, married U.S. citizens, and raised their U.S.-citizen children. Laws that punish them violate their fundamental right to fair and equal treatment.

I just can't get my brain around this. They arrive under cover of night illegally, without our country's permission, get jobs where employer's probably know they're not citizens or even legal immigrants, enjoy most of the social, cultural, educational, and legal benefits our taxes pay for, then file petitions when their "legal" rights are not recognized. Lessee...they're not citizens!

ahh crap...i'm too tense


Chris said...

I could only add more exclamation points to what you said. I dont get it either. I dont mind seeing people come to this country or helping them establish themselves but thats not exactly whats happening and of course its no secret. My wife got her citizenship on my petition and what I learned through the experience has been very disappointing. If I had it to do over again I wouldnt do it. I'm absolutely sure that the problem is more pervasive than the average American realizes. Down here in Florida the streets are full of people who flaunt their exploitation of our system and even gloat about it. I live in Coral Springs, Broward County, Florida where several known terrorist lived, operated, and were educated for Gods sake and I see and hear people of their ilk on a daily bases. When our Government says that we havent been attacked since 911 I think their just feeding us a load of crap. We have already been invaded and our enemy is gaining political power in our own country. I'd like to see our troops home, positioned on our borders, more involved in homeland security, and the American people bringing about a patriotic resolve to this problem. I'm more than just tense I'm nearly ready for a call to arms. We've gone soft and become devided and to make it worse I read that the pink flamingo lawn ornament may go the same way as the dinosaur? Terrorism, Immigration, and now this. Can we afford to sit idol any longer? I THINK NOT!!!!

Fred said...

My wife is Canadian and I'm an American. I've been through the immigration process in both countries and the ammount of hoops you have to jump through is a load of crap. You almost need an attorney just to file the paperwork. My wife was a nurse from Canada, was planning to work in the US and I was her sponsor/spouse and this was before 9/11, It was Hell then, can only imagine how it is now. that does not change the fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, do not share the burden or responsibilities that other citizens share. to file a lawsuit in their situation is ludicrous and I feel they should be immediately deported.

And, the Flamingo company did close it's doors, but they are selling the molds and rights to another company to produce them. Hope they aren't in China.

Doctor Wu said...

The ACLU ignores the fact that these “undocumented workers” don’t have a right to work here in the first place, and that those hiring them are breaking the law. The United States can not enforce or provide protections for criminals in the work place. They can’t even enforce laws against hiring them in the first place. If any illegal immigrant is being exploited it is from an employer that is providing them with much more of an opportunity than they could ever find in their own country and at the expense of American jobs and law. The real way to stop the exploitation is to stop the illegal hiring...(taken from Stop the ACLU web site)
Heres a link to Ten Reasons to Stop the ACLU.

Unknown said...

So, okay, they aren't citizens, but that doesn't mean the people who (illegally) hire them can feel them up, right? Isn't that what they're talking about?