Thursday, January 25, 2007


Woah...while watching Heroes on TV last night (on Tivo), I saw the trailer for this movie. My jaw dropped to my chest and I got an immediate adrenalin rush...Spartans! Persians! Spartans AND Persians fighting! Big war-elephants! Ugly guys that look like they came out of the game, Doom! Oh My God, this looks cool.


Doctor Wu said...

Look like its our kind of movie. Not a chick flick fersure.
This Pan's Labyrinth looks pretty interesting also. Up for a Oscar. Think it was made in Mexico?

Joe said...

Pan's was made in Spain, if I remember the "making of" show the kids and I watched last week. We went to see it last wekend, and it was very good. It's subtitled, though, and some find that a nuisance. Very grown-up fairy tale, and we recommend it if you get a chance to see it.

Unknown said...

I liked Pan's, too.
3oo is the film version of a Frank Miller comic. Miller had a great run on the Daredevil comics we were reading in '84, if that rings a bell. 300 is a good one of his.

Fred said...

This looks very interesting. Might even be good.

Saldrin said... you might actually get me to the theaters for this one.

That's a hard thing to do.